Apologies in Advance (and After the Fact)

Anyone that is linked to this blog or me by various social media I’d like to offer a brief apology for the blog’s hyperactive behavior. With the new blog location I can use a lot of more powerful features including things like linking automatically to social media automatically. This saves me from having to go copy the URL for the new post, paste it to the Sail Evenstar Facebook page. It does it automatically now which is handy, though it deprives me of having to think up a pithy headline for the Facebook posts.

Unfortunately, it seems to do this somewhat enthusiastically, and a bit redundantly as it has no idea that every single blog entry I’ve made to date (well, since I created the Facebook page anyway) has been linked to Facebook. So it has been happily chugging along, digging up old posts and linking them to Facebook. It is also tied in to LinkedIn which is something new to me. Although I question the value of a long-term cruiser that hasn’t had a career position in over a decade as a LinkedIn contact, people keep connecting to me so it’s another network. I can’t figure out why, but I suppose I might connect one person with another someday and it will all work out.

Cross posting to Twitter is also possible but I didn’t bother since I’ve never made a tweet in my life. I do have a couple of followers, so I do hope those nice Russian women that are “looking for friends” don’t feel left out that I don’t tweet my blog at them.

The apology in advance is for THIS post, which is essentially a devoid of content housekeeping post. However will let me test to see if I’ve found the Holy Grail I’ve been looking for for the last two years, which is a Blog that actually lets me post by e-mail as it promises to. It is important to me that I be able do this so I can keep making blog updates when we are on passages and in remote locations. Past attempts at this have failed spectacularly (or not, I guess my readers wouldn’t notice the fail), with me having to resort to techniques like trying to train my mother (via e-mail) to make blog posts for me that I’ve e-mailed from the high seas (thanks Mom!). It worked, but it wasn’t pretty.

I’ve also included this gratuitous picture of a chicken cart from Bequia. The children were vastly amused by the painting of the Rastafarian chasing a chicken with a chainsaw, but more importantly it helps me test how well the blog post works.

In theory this post should have a picture, some italicized text, and NOT be cross publicized to Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. We shall see.

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One Comment

  1. B.J. says:

    It worked! Finally…

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