Day Two to New Caledonia

Day two was pretty uneventful. That is always a good thing.
Motorsailing last night we shook two battens out of the main sail accidentally. It aeppears one landed on the deck, the other did not. It made a loud and alarming noise in the dark, but nothing was visibly wrong. We didn’t sort it out until the morning when we found the batten lying on the deck.
The winds have filled in from the Southeast. It’s good because there is wind, but not great because New Caledonia lies to the Northwest. So the wind is almost straight behind us. That means we’re zig-zagging across it. The latest GRIB for weather I have is still the one I downloaded before we left; it is suggesting now we should range East to pick up better wind, then cut back at some point to get back to our course.
No fish; we’ve had a line out both days now. Maybe when it gets warmer. The water temp has climbed from 62F when we left NZ up to 70.3F. Hopefuly the air will follow suit soon and we can start peeling layers.
We’re looking forward to Calzones for dinner tonight, with Kathy’s hand made pizza crust. Always a treat off shore. As usual we’ve been eating well, something which the benign conditions permit.
At this rate it’s likely to be a six day trip, not the five we’d hoped for. But we’ll see. And now to retrieve the fishing line for the night and get ready for dinner.

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