Updates are Coming!


Given the difficulty with trying to get to the Internet in St. Martin, I’ve decided extreme measures are necessary.  I’m falling months behind here and I hate playing catchup.  If nothing else trying to reach back through the sun soaked rum-addled recesses of my mind to recall exactly what happened when and where is just an all fired nuisance.

So I’m experimenting.

I’m looking for a good off line blog editor.  So far Microsoft Live Writer and Qumana seem to be the leading free choices.

So far Live Writer is everything I expected a Microsoft Product to be:  invasive and bloated, making changes to my system I do not want, forcing me to download software I do not need and asking me to set up unnecessary accounts for services I have no use for.  But…it DOES connect to the blog.  This post is evidence.

Qumana looks interesting, lower impact third party software that doesn’t foist a bunch of junk on me I don’t want or need.  But it can’t find my blog, even using the same login information I gave Microsoft (shudder).

Time will tell, once I’ve found a solution the blog updates should become more regular again.  They will come in batches maybe, but they will come.

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  1. You are setup for HF pactor right? You should be able to send email updates that automatically post to blogger.

    Text only updates have worked great for me. Pictures don’t work so well.

  2. B.J. Porter says:

    Robert I’ve tried that. It has worked exactly once for me, thence never again. It’s not reliable at all, from what I can see.

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