Ruh Roh

Thank you to Weather Underground for the scary map.

Yeah, there’s this hurricane coming.  Looks like it will probably make landfall North of us though we should expect some hairy weather for a couple of days.  Sustained high winds, mostly – the hurricane surges aren’t going to bother us that much on a boat.

Lest you think we are in for a direct hit, those those yellow circles represent cones of probability – where the storm might go.  Most models have it making landfall in New Jersey of above but we will still be getting the sides of it which can be nasty and sustained.  This is a very wide storm there is no doubt we will get some local weather disturbance no matter what.

We’re headed to a “Hurricane Hole” – someplace far up a river surrounded by a lot of land to the North/NE/NW where most of the winds will be coming from.  We put out some extra heavy storm anchor gear, take everything blowable off the boat (sails, Bimini covers and the like), charge up the batteries and keep our foul weather gear handy.

As this develops I will provide more information.  We will be moving and securing the boat for the next day or two so those updates will be brief until we’re dug in.

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  1. Pcarson says:

    That ain’t good. Wish there was a way to help out, but all we can do from here is wish you luck. Get rid of everything that can blow around, as you say, then do it again, then look around & don’t be shy about doing it on boats around you, if applicable. Better to explain later why you boarded without permission than to be clearing somebody else’s Bimini from your rig in a hurricane.

    At least your getting the good side, for what that’s worth. Hope that holds. Good luck!

  2. Stay safe and best of luck riding out the storm…nothing like a little ‘adventure’ to kick start your journey!

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